Targeted provision

Our targeted provision is available to all students who would benefit from extra intervention. All staff can refer students to our weekly wellbeing panel where members of the pastoral team triage students and allocate an appropriate intervention. These include:

Student support officers (SSOs):

Student support officers are non-teaching members of staff who are available throughout the day to meet with students and parents to discuss any concerns. SSOs are highly experienced professionals who are trained in mental health first aid. They are able to offer one to one support for mental health concerns, behaviour issues, mentoring, restorative meetings and support with families in difficulty.  At Hollyfield, SSOs run both group and individual interventions that focus on a range of issues. These include; anxiety and how to work it with, body image and esteem, healthy body and healthy minds. SSOs can signpost and make referrals to multi agencies including CAMHS and social services.

Mental Health Support Team: Educational Wellbeing Practitioners (EWP):

We are part of the NHS national mental health trailblazer programme via Achieving For Children’s Mental Health Support Team. As part of this we are fortunate to have an emotional wellbeing practitioner to work with our students. Our EWP runs six-week programmes for students on topics such as anxiety, resilience and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). Our EWP also runs programmes for parents and provides one to one sessions for students who need individualised support for their wellbeing. Referrals are made by our student support officers with parental consent.

School Counsellor:

At Hollyfield we are lucky to have a school counsellor four days a week. These members of staff work onsite and see students on a one to one basis. We know that waiting lists for external services are long and are counsellors are able to work with students who have varied mental health needs. Students are triaged at wellbeing panel and all parents are contacted for consent. Sessions typically run for 6-8 weeks but can be longer.