Class Charts
Tutors and teachers use ClassCharts to take their registers. It allows them to record AM and PM registrations and lesson attendance throughout the day. Parents are provided with a clear picture of both attendance and punctuality not just for a specific day, you can also look within a date range, offering a detailed historic snapshot over a given period of time.
We also use ClassCharts to help us manage classrooms effectively. We expect students and parents to download the app to their smartphone in order to send and receive information about a range of aspects of school from pastoral care, rewards and sanctions to academic progress.
Students are organised strategically into seating plans that optimise the environment for learning. When students perform well and make good choices, ClassCharts is used to award achievement points, we can also record behaviour points and set follow-up actions in accordance with the school’s policies.
The website and app allows the school to instantly record and track specific interactions with other pupils within each lesson. This provides us with a clear overview of behaviour. The behaviour management tools help school leaders at every level monitor and motivate pupils.
Detailed reports can be produced for teachers, form tutors, pastoral teams and SLT, they often help parents understand exactly what’s happening during their child’s school day.
We also use ClassCharts to set homework. The homework calendar is easy to use and informs parents of exactly what homework tasks have been set and when they are due.
Learn more about ClassCharts here.