Future Careers Fair

The Future Careers Fair Thursday 13th October 6:30-8:30pm
This Thursday from 6.30pm we are holding our annual careers fair in which we are inviting all our Year 11, 12 and 13 students and parents. There are over 70 guests attending; employers and employees from a variety of businesses and industries. We have also invited Kingston College NESCOT and Richmond upon Thames College, Chessington Community College as well as our own Hollyfield Sixth Form so that students in Year 11 can ask questions about their future choices. There will also be a number of universities present including Kingston, Surrey, Sussex, City, St. Mary’s, and Royal Holloway so there will be time for Year 12s & 13s to talk about university applications. This is a wonderful networking opportunity for Hollyfield students.
Please can students and parents enter the school by the Surbition Hill Gate.