Work Experience

Sixth Form Curriculum

At Hollyfield 6th form, as a Year 12 student, you will have the opportunity to complete a week of work experience at an organisation of your choice. This should ideally be related to a subject you are studying or within a career that you might be considering. Previously, our year 12 students completed their work experience at a GP or dentist surgery, IT, accountancy and law firms and also in TV/ broadcasting studios to name a few.

Work experience provides you with the opportunity to develop and demonstrate:

  • Organisation and practical skills
  • Experience realistic work environments
  • Relevance to subjects being studied
  • Personal and social skills
  • Knowledge of careers within the industry
  • Opportunities to network and to build contacts
  • Enhance your CV and UCAS application with skills

At Hollyfield, we support and guide you all the way throughout the year to help you find the right work experience placement for you. There are several opportunities to attend University and Apprenticeships Fairs, as well as attend talks by internal and external presenters during enrichment sessions. You will also be able to have one-to-one chats with the 6th form team, and we also have a careers adviser in school.

We are very proud of the fact that previously, over 95% of year 12 students were able to find their own work experience placements at establishments of their choice. Feedback from the students and employers were phenomenal. Both our students and the employers mutually gained from this programme.

Every placement will need to have completed the WEX Placement forms (these are given in the links listed below)